We believe that it is important for all children to learn to behave in a caring and appropriate way, to enable them to develop socially and to increase their self esteem. We believe that everyone has a right to be treated with respect, addressed correctly and politely and be treated with equal concern.
We aim to achieve this by:
  • Treating children and adults with courtesy and respect.
  • Providing positive role models for the children.
  • Working in partnership with parents.
  • Encouraging children to share and care for each other.
  • Encouraging children to care for and respect their environment.
  • Encouraging acceptable behaviour through praise and encouragement.
  • Developing a sense and understanding of what is right and wrong.
  • Setting children clear and consistent goals and boundaries.
  • Appointing a designated behaviour management advisor to liaise with and support staff and parents.
  • Developing consistent approaches to behaviour management both at home and in the setting.

All children may from time to time display signs of unacceptable behaviour. When this happens in the nursery it will be managed appropriately and according to the children’s understanding.
All adults coming into contact with the children (including staff members, students, parents and visitors) are expected to provide a good role model and to behave in an appropriate way. Any adult behaving inappropriately will be asked to leave the area and to discuss the matter with a senior member of staff.
Positive techniques that are appropriate to the age of the child and to the situation will be used to avoid unacceptable behaviour and conflict, for example:
  • Distracting children if they become frustrated.
  • Early intervention to avoid disagreements.
  • Time out with adult support, if appropriate.
  • Encouraging appropriate behaviour by setting attainable targets with the children.
  • Encouraging children to settle disputes by compromise and negotiation.
  • Helping children understand what is and what is not acceptable behaviour.
  • Encouraging children to empathise with others people’s feelings.

When dealing with situations staff members will maintain a calm and consistent approach at all times. Situations will be dealt with immediately to avoid escalation. If a child is continually showing signs of unacceptable behaviour the Key Person will discuss this with the child’s parents and the Nursery Manager. The Key Person, Nursery Manager and parents will agree a plan of action, whereby staff and parents can work in partnership to provide a consistent approach. When disputes occur between children, the identity of the children involved in the dispute will remain confidential.
Staff will be alert to signs of bullying and will challenge it in a way that is appropriate to the children’s age/stage of development and understanding.
Under NO circumstances will physical punishment, humiliation, denial of food or drink be used as punishment in line with the Children Act 1989, Child Care Act 2006, the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Convention for the Rights of Children. Physical intervention will only be used to manage a child’s behaviour if it is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child, other children or an adult. Any occasion where physical intervention is used to manage a child’s behaviour will be recorded and parents will be informed about it on the same day.
The role of the Behaviour Management Co-ordinator is to:
  • Advise and support staff and parents in appropriate ways of dealing with challenging behaviour.
  • Keep up to date with current thinking and research on effective ways of managing behaviour.
  • Advise staff on appropriate training in relation to behaviour management.


landline: 0208 554 0033
mobile: 07970 413 338
E-mail: Pencil Pots Day Nursery Ltd © 2014 | Privacy policy